Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I am the Boss of Me!

Back in December and January work was slow, money was tight, and I panicked.  I was a freako.  Things have turned around and business is booming.  I'm busier than ever and the bills are getting paid.  I'm so grateful!!  What a blessing!

In my panic, I decided to take a job working in town (hate the drive), for lower than I usually make, doing stuff that is super easy for me, but it's admin work, and not really what I want to spend my life doing.  The place is chaotic and dirty. 

I find myself tired all the time and rushing from one thing to the next.  The things I love are the things on the bottom of the list and often go undone.  Priorities are upside down again...

I don't remember the last time I wrote something that meant anything to me.  My FB comments are kind of profound sometimes - lol.  It's been ages since I have hiked, or gone to the beach.  I have a super awesome new project that I need to get launched.  I've done a limited release, through another avenue, but not in the format it deserves. It feels urgent, like if I don't do it soon, someone else will do it and my chance will be missed.

I have so much that is half done and those are the things I want to spend time doing!

So, today, I didn't go in to work.  Rescheduled for tomorrow, and I am writing.  I am going to write and get my brain straight.  It's what works for me.  and ... then ... I am going to get that website LAUNCHED!!  There is money to be made, and beautiful things that the world needs to see! 

I have things to do for other projects too.  BUT - they will have to wait in line.  Today, this afternoon, this bit of time I took back from the chaos, is mine.  I'm going to put my desires first.  I will get to the other things, for other people, but I will do my stuff first.  I have taken care of all the essentials that others count on me for.  I am not leaving anyone hungry, stranded, neglected or ignored.

I have my happy hippie oils to set the mood - patchouli, Hawaiian sandalwood, etc.  My rock n roll is blasting, by feet are up, and I am in my zone.  I'm the boss of me :)

One of these days I will do the same and head to the mountains and the sea.  Oh gosh, how I need to get outside and play!

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